​We protect birds and the places they need.
Members regularly participate in Community Science projects and Bird Counts in an effort to help understand bird populations, diversity, and migration.
Nesting box projects provide habitat for native cavity-nesting species. The project is sponsored by Cornell Ornithology Lab. Since the inception of the project, eastern bluebird populations have stabilized while other species including tree swallows, black-capped chickadees, and the tufted titmouse along with other cavity nesters have benefited.
Members also support Community Science projects - annual Christmas Bird Count for the Decatur area, annual Spring Bird Count in Macon County, and Climate Watch Surveys across areas of central Illinois.
The Decatur Area Audubon Society is proud to raise and contribute funds to benefit partner organizations doing work to support conservation and preservation projects across the region.
Decatur Area Audubon provides grants for research, habitat protection, and restoration.
To learn more about our conservation efforts and how you can help contact us by clicking the button below.